It might just be a vending machine to you, but it's a
reputation to us at L.C. Vending.

We offer flexible options because we buy our own machines. This means you can have Coke and Pepsi, not one or other in your break room! If we don't have the option you're looking for, let us know. If you want it and we can get it, we'll try it. We hope you'll consider us for your vending services in San Antonio and beyond!

- Egan Little, President

Quality Vending Services and Unlimited Options in San Antonio

San Antonio area vending machiens

Exceptional Vending
Service in San Antonio

"The customer service is above and beyond anything we have ever experienced with other vending companies. If you're on the lookout for a vending company, look no further than L.C. Vending. 10 out of 10 recommend."

-Our Customer, Michelle

Get Modern Vending Machines
San Antonio beverage vending machines San Antonio snack vending machines

Rewards Program for Employees:
Our Token Program

Notice when they go above and beyond with our employee incentive token program! It's easy to use. Simply provide a token to increase company morale, celebrate employee anniversaries, a gift for employee birthdays, or simply recognize a job well done. These tokens act as a form of payment in our vending machines, so it's easy to recognize your best employees.

San Antonio beverage vending machines San Antonio snack vending machines
San Antonio food vending machines

Add Barbacoa & Big Red 365 days a year
to your vending machine in San Antonio

Why wait until the annual festival to have the best barbacoa in San Antonio? With L.C. Vending, you can add it to your break room’s fresh food vending machine! Thanks to our in-house kitchen, you can have tasty Texas favorites any time you want, and we make them fresh for you.

Fresh Food Vending
Machines with
Our In-House Kitchen

We take pride in our fresh food because we make it ourselves right here in San Antonio! Our menu features traditional staples, healthy alternatives, local favorites, and more. We rotate the menus and throw in new recipes periodically to keep employees engaged and to satisfy all of the different tastes in your company.

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Hire San Antonio's Go-To Vending Machine Choice! Contact us.

Upgrade Your Vending Service
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