Vending Machines San Antonio | Micro-Market | Fresh Summer Food

Summer is Coming – Make Sure Your San Antonio Break Room is Ready!

Summer is quickly approaching, and that means it’s time to make sure your break room is ready! Not sure where to begin? We can help! For starters, it’s essential to keep your team cool and hydrated throughout the day. It’s true, a comfy staff is a happy one! When your employees aren’t concerned about comfort, they can spend more time focusing on work. As a result, your company’s productivity will increase. Score!

Now, how can you get your San Antonio break room ready for warmer weather? As industry experts, we can assist you! Here are a few ways to gear up for summer in the office!

Hydrating Products are Essential for Summer

When your office gets hot, make sure your employees are staying hydrated. You can do this in a variety of ways:

  1. Granola and Greek yogurt are beneficial to have in your San Antonio micro-market. Team members can eat something sweet and savory while feeling more focused at the same time!
  2. Stock your San Antonio food vending machines with refreshing salads, wraps, and subs. Everyone can stay cool while enjoying their favorite meal!
  3. Offer high-protein products in your San Antonio snack vending machine. When properly fueled, your staff will feel better and more productive!
  4. Take your San Antonio beverage vending service to the next level by keeping electrolyte filled products in stock. For instance, flavored water and sports drinks are great options!

Break Room Summer Solutions San Antonio | Office Morale | Promote Productivity

Keep ‘Em Cool with a Water Filtration Service

To easily upgrade your break room, consider adding a San Antonio water filtration service! Fresh water will keep your employees focused and alert. Furthermore, drinking water has tons of health benefits! For instance, drinking water can boost brain function and energy levels. As a result, your team will be more productive and happier throughout the day. Best of all, this will help them accomplish their goals!

Get Fruity This Summer Season

Fresh fruit is always a sweet summer treat. So, offer fresh fruit or juice in your San Antonio break room. Some great examples of hydrating fruits to offer are apples, watermelon, and oranges. This makes a wonderful employee perk. Plus, showing you care about your team’s wellness will ultimately boost office morale!

Trust Us to get Your San Antonio Break Room Ready for Summer

So, keep cool all summer long with better break room services! When you partner with us, we’ll craft a customized service solution specific to your needs. To learn more, visit LC Vending or call (210) 532-3151 today!

Healthy Hydration | San Antonio Water Filtration | LC Vending

Proper Hydration for your San Antonio Break Room

Proper hydration during the hot summer months in San Antonio is so important. But most people don’t think about it during the workday. When we’re in an air-conditioned office, focusing on a million different tasks, staying hydrated often gets put on the back burner yet it’s one of the most important things we can do when visiting the break room.

Proper hydration helps boost metabolism and reduce daytime fatigue. Dehydration can lead to headaches, and decreased memory and can even reduce job productivity. By the time we feel thirsty, it’s already too late.

If a busy workday is keeping you and your San Antonio employees from drinking more water, don’t worry. Staying hydrated at work is easy with these tips:

Keep water at your desk

A bottle of water is a visual reminder to hydrate. For employees with desk jobs, this is the best way to stay hydrated at work. Staying hydrated can also reduce headaches that may be worsened by eye strain.

Take regular hydration breaks

We get so caught up in busy days that we sometimes forget self-care. A quick trip to the break room allows employees to grab a cold glass of water, or sip on a nice cup of coffee to relax their mind for just a moment. When break time is over, your body and mind will be ready to take on whatever work challenge comes your way.

Healthy Beverage | San Antonio Break Rooms | LC Vending

Choose hydrating healthy snacks

Eating smaller meals of fruits and vegetables can help your employees stay hydrated and energized. Fruits and vegetables such as watermelon, cantaloupes or cucumbers, and leafy greens are nutritional powerhouses with a hydrating impact. With our in-house kitchen, we can provide healthy food and snack options, so your employees have these choices onsite.

Encourage employees to drink water

At meetings and throughout the workday, providing easy access to water and other healthier drinks can motivate employees to drink up and stay hydrated. When you opt for a healthy vending machine or a water filtration service at work, you can provide easy access to healthier, hydrating beverages.

Simply put, a busy work schedule shouldn’t keep your employees from staying hydrated. Help them by providing plenty of water throughout their day. Whether you want a plumbed-in system or individual bottles, we can help! Contact LC Vending today or call (210) 532-3151.