San Antonio Micro-Market | Fresh Food | Wellness

Upgrade Your San Antonio Break Room with a Micro-Market and Fresh Food

Did you know that San Antonio vending machines are the top source of onsite office food? It’s true. Vending machines are great. However, a mini convenience store could be even better! That’s because it keeps your team well fed with fresh food.

Want a break room upgrade? A custom San Antonio micro-market could be your answer!

Keep reading to learn more.

What is a Micro-Market?

Simply put, San Antonio micro-markets are tiny convenience stores. They perfectly fit into any office. For instance, you can install a micro-market in your break room. Or, put one in the cafeteria.

There are tons of micro-market benefits. For instance, your team can enjoy fresh food. Better yet, they can buy San Antonio on-site refreshments. But that’s just the start!

Personalized Design

San Antonio micro-markets fit into most offices. That’s because of their custom layout. Build a micro-market that suits your needs. Additionally, find one that fits your space. Thus, you can maximize space and satisfaction.

LC Vending can help. We’ll make your micro-market dreams a reality!

Custom Menus with Fresh Food

San Antonio Break Room | Workplace Snacks & Fresh Food | Employee Benefit

Micro-markets have custom menus. Therefore, employees can enjoy many different options. Want fresh food? A San Antonio micro-market has them! Prefer sweet snacks? You can get those too.

Product variety is the spice of life. As such, employee satisfaction can increase. This improves company culture.

Tailored Services

At LC Vending Co., our customers come first. That’s why we offer personalized break room solutions. This can keep you happy. It also impresses employees!

Our workplace refreshment solutions aren’t based on convenience. On the contrary, they cater to your needs. As a result, your break room will be fully stocked. Employees can always enjoy their favorite snacks!

Improves Company Culture

San Antonio micro-markets can create a positive company culture. They make a space for employees to relax. Additionally, coworkers can connect and collaborate. Thus, productivity levels can increase!

Furthermore, more employees might choose to stay on-site. That’s because they can buy fresh food. For example, they can enjoy fruits and veggies. Or, they can try fresh wraps. Therefore, employees can eat lunch together. This can further increase connection.

Lastly, micro-markets can promote workplace wellness. You can buy better-for-you options. This makes employees feel great. They’ll also have more energy. In turn, they can be more productive!

Offer Fresh Food with San Antonio Micro-Markets

Dreaming of a better break room? A San Antonio micro-market can help! Create a personalized design. Additionally, enjoy fresh foods and custom menus!

Curious to learn more? Contact LC Vending Co. at (210) 532.3151 or today. Our micro-markets will delight your staff!

San Antonio Break Room | Customer Service | Company Morale

How San Antonio Break Room Services Can Improve Your Customer Service

What’s the key to positive customer service? Much of the time, it’s helpful and happy employees. After all, employees are the backbone of a great brand. They control the quality of the products, services, and customer interactions. Therefore, it’s important to provide them with a positive workplace experience. But where do you start? Well, one way is to boost company morale by upgrading your San Antonio break room services. From healthy snack options to a great office coffee service, keep reading below for everything you need to know!

Boost Customer Service With Coffee

There’s nothing office workers love more than a bold cup of coffee in the morning. It’s the energy boost they need to start the day! Therefore, a premium San Antonio office coffee service is the perfect way to motivate employees. It will send a positive message to your team, which encourages them to interact positively with customers. Upgrade your break room with a single cup coffee brewer that makes fresh coffee. This way, everyone at the office will be able to enjoy their favorite hot drink.

Not only that, but coffee brings co-workers together in the break room. That means they’ll have more opportunities to connect and collaborate. As a result, the welcoming, inclusive, and open office environment can enhance company morale. And that means better customer service.

Make Healthy Food Choices

San Antonio Customer Service | Single Cup Coffee | Vending Machines & Micro-Market

What you eat affects how you feel. Therefore, healthy employees equal happy employees! A micro-market is a great way to provide healthy options in the San Antonio workplace. It allows employees to review labels before buying, so they can make informed decisions. It also includes fresh food choices and healthy snacks.

Even in a vending machine, you can help staff make healthy decisions. For instance, we can mark healthy items in the break room vending machines. This makes for easy identification, so employees can easily choose nutritious snacks.

When employees are eating healthy, they’ll have more energy. That makes them more productive, happier, and better with customers.

Recognize and Inspire Your Employees

Employees want to feel valued, and they should be! Turn your San Antonio break room walls into a tool for recognizing their hard work. Put up a bulletin board to display work anniversaries, milestones, and promotions. Everyone uses the break room during the day, so it’s an easy way to raise the company morale.

You can even take it a step further. Try adding credits to their micro-market accounts or handing out vending machine coupons for celebrations or hitting goals. It’s a great way to motivate employees and get them excited to work. Both your employees and customers will appreciate it!

Upgrade Your Customer Service Today

Overall, great San Antonio break room service can lead to a healthier, happier workplace. Therefore, better customer service! Contact LC Vending Co. at (210) 532.3151 or for more information about our micro-market, office coffee, office pantry, water filtration, or vending services. We’ll also find a price and service that works best for your needs. We look forward to working with you!

San Antonio Bean-to-Cup | Coffee Service | Employee Office Perks

Small Touches With Big Impacts On Your San Antonio Office Coffee Service

When it comes to creating a great break room, a high-quality San Antonio office coffee service can go a long way. After all, a delicious cup of coffee is the ultimate start to the workday! With great coffee products, employees can get excited and energized for the day ahead. Therefore, an excellent coffee service is one of the employee perks that office workers will appreciate most.

So, how can you give employees the best San Antonio office coffee service possible? Read below to find out simple ways to make a big impact on your break room.

Make Office Coffee the Star

Coffee is the perfect kickstart to an employee’s workday. So make the coffee station the center of your break room. Not only does this provide easy access to their favorite morning drink. It also gives employees a place to relax and mingle with their peers in between tasks. Make your coffee brewing station better by adding coffee-related products, such as cups, stir sticks, and coffee sleeves. Do you want to take it a step further? Try including eco-friendly options, so your employees can feel good about their daily cup of brew.

San Antonio Coffee Products | Office Tea | Eco-Friendly

Bring in a Tea Bar

Not everyone drinks coffee, so it’s important to take care of those non-coffee drinkers too! What is the solution? Add a tea bar to your San Antonio office coffee service. There are lots of different types of tea, so you’re sure to satisfy everyone’s taste buds. Inspire employees to try new varieties by rotating the tea flavors you offer in the break room. They’ll love the variety and change of pace!

Upgrade to Specialty Office Coffee Brewers

Upgrade your coffee service with new and improved specialty brewers! You can get a bean-to-cup brewer or a single-cup coffee brewer to enhance employees’ break room experience. We have coffee brewers that can make espresso, lattes, or cappuccinos right in the break room. As a result, everyone can enjoy their own cup of coffee each morning.

Micro-Market Items for Free

The only thing better than free coffee is free food! Provide pastries, granola bars, or even cereal as a part of your San Antonio micro-market service. Focus on healthy snacks, so employees have the fuel they need to stay alert throughout the busy workday. Between the coffee, tea, and snacks, employees will have everything they need to feel good, perform well, and stay productive at the office. It’s a win for both employees and the business as a whole!

So, what are you waiting for? Upgrade your break room today! Contact us for office refreshment options to fit your budget. Find us at LC Vending Co. or give us a call at (210) 532.3151.

Green San Antonio Vending | Office Coffee Service | Sustainability

3 Ways to Build a Green San Antonio Break Room Service

Now more than ever, it is important to consider how “green” our everyday actions are. In other words, how they affect the environment. As business leaders, we inspire our employees each day to do their best, both inside and outside of the office. Therefore, the example we set matters. One great way to create a sustainable workplace is to upgrade your San Antonio break room.

So, how do you make an eco-friendly break room? Let’s dive into it! Keep reading below for three simple ways to build a green San Antonio break room.

Opt for Recycled Supplies

The first step to making a green break room is to replace your single-use plastic supplies. For example, you can opt for recycled supplies instead. These kinds of supplies might include new lids, cups, and coffee sleeves for your San Antonio office coffee service. In addition, you can add bowls, plates, and silverware made out of recycled or compostable materials to your lunchroom.

Choosing recycled supplies instead of single-use supplies is always a great choice. Trust us, both your employees and the Earth will appreciate it!

Reduce Waste with a Filtered Water Cooler

San Antonio Green Break Room | Eco-Friendly Products | Energy Savings

What is another great way to create a more sustainable San Antonio office break room? Introduce office water service! When you provide free, filtered water for employees, you can reduce your overall waste. For instance, instead of having plastic water bottles in the break room, add a filtered water cooler. This way, employees can bring refillable water bottles or use recycled cups to stay hydrated.

Bonus: Gift every employee with a company-branded water bottle so they can refill it at any time!

Green Eco-Friendly Vending Machines

If you want to take your eco-friendly break room to the next level, talk to us about eco-friendly vending machines. What does that mean? Well, vending machines made with LED lights use less electricity than your average vending machine. Therefore, they are more energy efficient. As a result, they are better for the planet. Not only that, but you can request remotely monitored machines too. This means we cut down on trips to the warehouse while maintaining a high level of vending service. In other words, driving less and burning less gas.

Upgrade to a Green Break Room Today

So, make your break room better with eco-friendly supplies. Your employees and the planet will thank you for this! Enhance your San Antonio office break room and contact LC Vending Co. today. We can help you build an office break room that works for you. To learn more, call us today at (210) 532.3151.

Employee Health & Wellness | Break Room Healthy Refreshments | San Antonio Water Filtration

Healthy Refreshments are a Perfect ‘Fit’ for any San Antonio Breakroom Choice

Making healthy refreshment choices while at work is important for San Antonio employees. More now than ever people are understanding the connection between their refreshment choices and their health. Employees want to consume food for the benefits of health and immunity.  It is for this exact reason that a San Antonio break room with healthy refreshments is a perfect fit in the office.

Healthy food and drinks have long been a hot topic in the vending and food industries. But, as of late, there has been an increase in the desire to truly understand which fresh foods will help people stay healthy and keep them full throughout the day.

Here’s what San Antonio offices with a healthy refreshments notice:

Reliable employees

Increased health means that your San Antonio employees will be less likely to spend time out of the office due to illness.

Increased office morale and employer appreciation

Employees will notice that you value their healthy lifestyle choices. This will result in a positive outlook about their work environment and cause them to work harder.

San Antonio Healthy Refreshments | Fresh Food & Beverages | Employee Benefit

Increased energy and productivity

San Antonio employees who take care of their bodies tend to feel more energetic. Energetic employees are typically more productive.

So, providing healthy, nutritious snacks, meals, and beverages in your San Antonio break room is critical for a multitude of reasons. But how are you going to do that?

A great way to bring more healthy foods into your break room is to install a micro-market. A San Antonio micro-market gives your employees 24/7 access to healthy foods like fruits, proteins, vegetables, nuts, yogurts/cheeses, and low-sugar snacks!

Thorough hydration is also critical to employee’s health as it flushes toxins out of the body. Office water service gives your employees access to fresh, purified water all day long. So, installing water filtration is another great tool to support your San Antonio employee’s choices.

We’re here to answer any questions you may have about a healthy break room! Please contact LC Vending at (210) 532.3151 or fill out a contact form HERE. We look forward to hearing from you!

San Antonio Micro-Market Snacks | Office Pantry | Fresh Food

The Best San Antonio Break Room Snacks for Productivity

What employees eat and drink each day can make a difference in their overall productivity. As they say, you are what you eat! Therefore, it is a good idea to provide healthy vending, or micro-market, options in your San Antonio break room. Stocking your break room with better-for-you snacks will give workers the energy they need to perform well. As a result, both employees and the company as a whole can thrive. Not only do productivity-boosting snacks promote productivity, but an office full of healthy and happy employees will encourage positive office morale.

If you’re ready to raise the bar on your San Antonio office break room, keep reading below. We’re sharing the best break room snacks for improving productivity in the workplace.

Dried Fruit and Nut Snacks

The options you provide in your snack vending machines matter. When employees eat well, they will be more alert and focused throughout the workweek. With this in mind, dried fruit and nuts are a great place to start.

Nuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, which support healthy cholesterol levels. Additionally, they’re a great source of protein and vitamin E. On the other hand, dried fruit provides fiber, niacin, vitamin E, and vitamin A. Therefore, offering snacks like trail mix in your vending machine is a great way to give employees the fuel they need on busy workdays.

Fresh Fruit and Yogurt

Looking for a healthy addition to your San Antonio office micro-market? Fresh fruit and yogurt are your best bet! Employees can enjoy this with a cup of office coffee for breakfast or have it as a refreshing snack during their break. Either way, it is sure to leave them feeling ready to tackle the tasks at hand. Fresh fruit is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, while yogurt provides probiotics, calcium, protein, and vitamin D. Plus, this healthy office micro-market option is also low in calories and fat.

Healthy Vending San Antonio | Office Snacks | Productivity

Veggie Snacks

There’s a reason we were told to eat five servings of vegetables per day growing up. They’re packed with essential minerals and nutrients! For instance, some include calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, vitamin C, and vitamin A. Not only that, but veggies are an excellent source of antioxidants, which boost immunity and help protect against diseases.

Opt for easy-to-eat veggie options, such as baby carrots, celery sticks, and snap peas. To take it a step further, pair these veggies with protein-rich dipping condiments like hummus or peanut butter.


Who doesn’t love popcorn? Your employees will love you for this satisfying addition to your San Antonio break room! Not only is it a tasty afternoon snack, but one cup of air-popped popcorn only contains about 31 calories. Not to mention, it is a great source of fiber and folic acid. In addition, it is 100% whole grain and contains magnesium, iron, zinc, and phosphorous.

Providing the right snacks in your San Antonio office refreshment service is an excellent way to promote productivity. When employees feel good, they perform even better! So, why not give them the fuel they need to succeed?

Looking for more tips on how to upgrade your San Antonio office break room? Reach us at L.C. Vending Co. or call us at (210) 532.3151.