San Antonio Healthy Vending | Spring Branch Employee Support | Von Army Health Goals

How To Support San Antonio, Spring Branch, and Von Ormy Employee Health Goals

Summer is around the corner! That means it’s the perfect time to start investing in your health goals. And it’s always a great idea to support your employees on their journey to a healthy and happy life. You can do both by upgrading your office break room with healthy snack and beverage options.

You might be wondering why supporting employee wellness matters. Well, a healthy team is a happy one! That means better corporate morale and a more productive workspace. And that’s a good thing for everyone. So, let’s talk more about how you can make your San Antonio break room a space to help your team hit their health goals.

A Wellness Boost in the Break Room

The break room is where people go to relax, refuel, and connect with co-workers. So, it’s important that the Spring Branch vending machines or micro markets are stocked with nutritious options. Then label all the top-tier products inside so employees know what’s the best option. You can also show your team support by providing free food. When you subsidize the healthy snacks and food in the break room, you can help employees make positive and healthy choices.

San Antonio Vending Solutions | Spring Branch Open Markets Fresh Food | Von Army Health Goals

Better Beverages

You are what you eat…and drink! So, put better-for-you drinks in your break room. Try different teas that provide antioxidants and nutrients. Green tea is a favorite that has positive health benefits and is easy to add to office coffee and tea service. Of course, you’ve also got to have clean and healthy water. Staying hydrated is essential to any health goal, so give employees what they need to succeed. You can even consider a Von Ormy water filtration service that offers carbonated and flavored options. That means employees can replace sugary sodas with hydrating and tasty water. Other healthy drinks to find in your micro market coolers include vitamin waters, fruit juices, iced teas, kombucha, and more.

Health Goals Go Beyond the Diet

It takes more than good food from the vending machine and healthy drinks to reach your health goals. You also need a supportive and motivating community! Help create a supportive space by making support groups at work. For example, you can make clubs for specific types of workouts and interests. Make a biking club, yoga group, or walking club. This will help people find support and like-minded co-workers.

L.C. Vending Co. is Your Go-To Health Goals Partner

Are you ready to upgrade your San Antonio break room with healthy snacks and beverages? L.C. Vending Co. has you covered with nutritious options perfect for a break room wellness culture. From vending machines to micro markets we can stock and label items that inspire better living. And don’t forget to add some wellness support to bring the benefits of your healthy break room home.

Let L.C. Vending Co. help design your dream healthy break room today. Contact us at (210) 532.3151 to get started!

San Antonio Technology Innovations | Spring Branch Snack Machines | Von Army Modern Break Room

Innovations You’ll Find In Today’s San Antonio, Spring Branch, and Von Ormy Break Rooms

Think the break room is a simple space with old-fashioned equipment and service? Think again! In the San Antonio break rooms we service, you’ll see plenty of innovations. It’s integrated into everything we do. It’s in the way we manage stocking your break room. And how we offer the easiest payment options and most current refreshment solutions.

Keep reading to explore just how we innovate to give you the best Spring Branch break room.

Innovations in Route Management

Gone are the days when we rolled around with bulk sodas and snacks in delivery trucks. Instead, today we use route management systems. That way we only bring the products needed to your workplace. It’s a great way to boost our efficiency without sacrificing the quality of our service. This keeps our prices low and our service high.

Cashless Payments and Mobile Perks

Most of our Von Ormy vending machines have technology built in to take more than just cash. They have cashless readers that accept nearly all credit and debit cards. That makes buying fast and secure. You know you can get something you want, even if you don’t have cash.

San Antonio Office Single-Cup Coffee | Spring Branch Micro-Market Service | Von Army Refreshment Innovations

Some vending machines even have options to order and pay with your mobile phone, making it a touchless experience. And what about offering feedback? Many of our vending machines have QR codes that let you text us your thoughts about snacks or beverages at that machine.

Bean-to-Cup Coffee Innovations

Energize with the newest San Antonio office coffee service innovation – a bean-to-cup brewer. It’s a corporate cafe shrunk down into a compact coffee machine. It makes specialty coffee drinks such as espresso and lattes. Honestly, it can brew anything a barista can make.

The best part? A bean-to-cup coffee machine offers the sights, smells, and tastes of a coffee shop. Yet, there’s no cost for fancy equipment or coffee-making staff. If that isn’t innovation, we don’t know what is.

Self-Checkout Kiosks in the Spring Branch Break Room

One of the newest innovations in this industry is Von Ormy micro-markets. These are small convenience stores right in the break room. There are edible options all day and night, every day of the year. How? Because of the self-checkout kiosk. Employees shop the micro-market, scan, and pay with any form of payment, including mobile wallets.

There’s more variety than vending and employees can look at items before buying. Plus, we can stock the market to fit your employee’s different tastes based on what is sold at the kiosk. In other words, we’ll customize it even after it’s in your break room.

Advance Your Break Room with L.C. Vending Co.

At L.C. Vending Co., our goal is to make the break room the best it can be. It’s still a place to refresh, grab a snack, chat with co-workers over coffee, or eat lunch. That won’t change, even as we continue to innovate and bring better service into your workplace.

Contact L.C. Vending Co. to learn more about how we provide the best break rooms in San Antonio, Spring Branch, and Von Ormy. Call us at (210) 532.3151. We look forward to sharing our use of technology and modern equipment with you today.