San Antonio Micro-Market Snacks | Office Pantry | Fresh Food

The Best San Antonio Break Room Snacks for Productivity

What employees eat and drink each day can make a difference in their overall productivity. As they say, you are what you eat! Therefore, it is a good idea to provide healthy vending, or micro-market, options in your San Antonio break room. Stocking your break room with better-for-you snacks will give workers the energy they need to perform well. As a result, both employees and the company as a whole can thrive. Not only do productivity-boosting snacks promote productivity, but an office full of healthy and happy employees will encourage positive office morale.

If you’re ready to raise the bar on your San Antonio office break room, keep reading below. We’re sharing the best break room snacks for improving productivity in the workplace.

Dried Fruit and Nut Snacks

The options you provide in your snack vending machines matter. When employees eat well, they will be more alert and focused throughout the workweek. With this in mind, dried fruit and nuts are a great place to start.

Nuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, which support healthy cholesterol levels. Additionally, they’re a great source of protein and vitamin E. On the other hand, dried fruit provides fiber, niacin, vitamin E, and vitamin A. Therefore, offering snacks like trail mix in your vending machine is a great way to give employees the fuel they need on busy workdays.

Fresh Fruit and Yogurt

Looking for a healthy addition to your San Antonio office micro-market? Fresh fruit and yogurt are your best bet! Employees can enjoy this with a cup of office coffee for breakfast or have it as a refreshing snack during their break. Either way, it is sure to leave them feeling ready to tackle the tasks at hand. Fresh fruit is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, while yogurt provides probiotics, calcium, protein, and vitamin D. Plus, this healthy office micro-market option is also low in calories and fat.

Healthy Vending San Antonio | Office Snacks | Productivity

Veggie Snacks

There’s a reason we were told to eat five servings of vegetables per day growing up. They’re packed with essential minerals and nutrients! For instance, some include calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, vitamin C, and vitamin A. Not only that, but veggies are an excellent source of antioxidants, which boost immunity and help protect against diseases.

Opt for easy-to-eat veggie options, such as baby carrots, celery sticks, and snap peas. To take it a step further, pair these veggies with protein-rich dipping condiments like hummus or peanut butter.


Who doesn’t love popcorn? Your employees will love you for this satisfying addition to your San Antonio break room! Not only is it a tasty afternoon snack, but one cup of air-popped popcorn only contains about 31 calories. Not to mention, it is a great source of fiber and folic acid. In addition, it is 100% whole grain and contains magnesium, iron, zinc, and phosphorous.

Providing the right snacks in your San Antonio office refreshment service is an excellent way to promote productivity. When employees feel good, they perform even better! So, why not give them the fuel they need to succeed?

Looking for more tips on how to upgrade your San Antonio office break room? Reach us at L.C. Vending Co. or call us at (210) 532.3151.

Beverage Vending Machine, Grab-and-go Products, Vending Service San Antonio

Modern San Antonio Vending Machines – Elevate Your Space Today!

Vending machines are a reliable way to get a quick bite to eat when hunger strikes. Or, an easy way to find a refreshing drink when your mouth feels dry. That’s why it’s important for businesses to partner with a San Antonio refreshment service provider who can properly equip their space. For example, if your team knows their favorite products are right down the hall, they won’t have to worry about taking the time to run to the store. So, how do you know what machines you need to make this happen? We know, so you don’t have to!

Now, vending machines are often found in a company break room; However, there are several places in San Antonio where they are beneficial. No, really! Keep reading below to find out where!

1. Save Time with Vending Machines in your Lobby

Running late to a meeting but have no time to stop for a drink on the way? Don’t worry! You can often find our beverage vending machines in the lobby of many San Antonio businesses. That way, you can grab something to quench your thirst when you arrive. Plus, our mobile payment options make for an even faster check out. No cash? No problem!

Vending San Antonio, Break Room Solutions, Snacks

2. Hotel Vending Machines Elevate your Guest’s Experience

Picture this, you’re on a business trip, and after settling in for the night, you start craving something sweet. Well, you can rest easy because you spotted the hotel’s snack vending machine next to the elevator on the way to your room. Even better, they have your favorite candy bar in stock! So, instead of dreaming about it, you’ll be sound asleep after enjoying a late night treat!

3. Quality Vending Machines Every Waiting Room Deserves

We often find ourselves in a waiting room for a variety of reasons. And sometimes we get hungry unexpectedly, whether it’s at the doctors office, the airport, or even at a car dealership. That’s why we encourage our customers to equip their space with our modern vending equipment. So, no matter how long you’re clients are waiting, they’ll be able to find something to eat onsite!

Food Vending, Health and Wellness, School Vending San Antonio

Even better, we are the only San Antonio vending provider with an in-house kitchen. Meaning, every item found in your San Antonio food vending machine is freshly made. Talk about a premium experience!

4. Grab-and-Go Options for Schools & Universities

Last, but definitely not least. Having refreshments available at San Antonio schools and colleges is very common. They are typically found in the teachers lounge, gymnasiums, and around campus. Having a place for students and staff to quickly quench their thirst makes everyone’s lives easier! Plus, our San Antonio healthy vending solutions are a great way to support any wellness programs your school may have!

Enhance your Space with our Modern Vending Solutions

In addition to San Antonio break rooms, our vending services are useful in many places. So, are you ready to invest in your client’s experience by supplying quality vending options in your business? If so, we can help! Visit us at L.C. Vending Co. or call 210-532-3151 today to get started!

Self-Serve Kiosk | Beverages | Employee Benefits

What A San Antonio Micro-Market Can Bring To Your Break Room

A micro-market is one of the latest advancements in the vending service industry. How is it different than vending machines, you might ask? For starters, it has a completely custom design to fit your specific space. Additionally, it allows your team to buy everything they need in one purchase. How convenient! All in all, it is an easy and affordable way to upgrade your San Antonio refreshment services!

Not convinced just yet? No worries! Below we’re breaking down what a San Antonio micro-market service can bring to your break room!

A Micro-Market Will Modernize Your Space

Unlike our traditional San Antonio vending machines, our markets have an open layout. In fact, they are often referred to as “mini convenience stores.” When visiting the break room, you’ll feel like you’ve left the building completely. No, we’re not kidding! Your micro-market will have glass-front coolers, open shelving, sleek displays, and a self-checkout kiosk.

Offer More Variety With A Micro-Market Service

Healthy Vending San Antonio | Micro-Market | Refreshment Services

Are you ready to have more products to choose from on your lunch break? If yes, you’re in luck! Not only do our open markets look good, but they can also hold more products. With this premium break room solution, you’ll give your team an array of popular snacks, drinks, and food items to enjoy.

Bonus:  We are the only service provider in San Antonio with an in-house kitchen. Therefore, we can guarantee your market is always stocked with the freshest food available. 

Self-Checkout Kiosk’s Save Time

One feature that is often over looked when considering a micro-market service, is the ability to make one purchase. When your employee visits their office vending machines, they’ll have to make several transactions before being able to enjoy their break. However, with your market’s self-serve kiosk, your team can browse all items before making one easy purchase. Therefore, your staff can make the most of their time!

Bonus: Does your business have several buildings? Instead of a cafeteria, you can add several markets throughout your campus. By doing so, you’ll give everyone more time to recharge!

Market’s Feature Advanced Technology For All Day Shopping

Our micro-markets are remotely monitored and secure. Because of this, they are able to operate 24/7. This is a perfect solution for San Antonio companies with multiple shifts. Therefore, everyone can get a delicious treat, no matter what time it is. What’s more, your third shift workers will love you for this added convenience!

Transform Your San Antonio Refreshment Service With Us!

Are you ready to make break time more convenient and exciting? If so, we are ready to help! Visit us at L.C. Vending C0. or call (210) 532.3151 to get started. We will walk you through the many ways we can upgrade your experience together. One of our industry experts is standing by!

San Antonio Break Room Snack Solutions | Company Culture | Employee Perks

Sweet and Salty Snack Options for Your San Antonio Break Room

We all have specific snack cravings. Sometimes we want something sweet, and other times we want something salty. Occasionally, we want both at the same time! Therefore, it’s a good idea to include a variety of sweet and salty snacks in your San Antonio break room. You can simply add a new items in your snack vending machine or even fill your San Antonio office pantry with tons of options. No matter what kind of refreshments you choose, employees will appreciate diverse options of snacks and drinks. 

If you’re looking for ways to upgrade your San Antonio vending machine service for the upcoming year, sweet and salty snacks are a surefire way to satisfy everyone at the office. It will cure both their sweet tooth and salty cravings all while keeping them full throughout the day! Don’t know where to start? Read below for sweet and salty snacks to add to your San Antonio break room ASAP. 

A Perfectly Blended Snack – Trail Mix

Trail mix is the ultimate sweet and salty snack option because it’s healthy, hearty, and downright delicious! It offers a perfect blend of both flavors. Not to mention, trail mix is packed with protein and other nutrients to keep workers feeling their best. With both nuts and fruit, trail mix is an excellent source of protein, antioxidants, vitamin E, and amino acids. In addition, it’s a convenient snack that’s easy to grab on the go or eat at your desk. You really can’t go wrong with adding trail mix to your San Antonio micro-market! 

A Convenient and Delicious Snack – Granola Bars

San Antonio Vending Machines | Promote Productivity | Break Room Snack

Granola bars are filling, delicious, and easy to eat anywhere. People can take it to go, save half of it for later, or take it back to their desk to eat while they work. Additionally, granola bars are great because they come in many different sweet and salty flavors. For instance, workers might be able to choose from ‘peanut butter and chocolate’ or ‘mixed nuts and dried fruit.’ Therefore, putting these options in your San Antonio snack vending machines provide a nice variety for employees to enjoy. 

A Light and Satisfying Snack – Kettle Corn

Who doesn’t love kettle corn? It’s a wonderful light and tasty combo to add to your San Antonio healthy vending service! It’s crunchy, salty, and sweet all at once, making it the perfect midday pick-me-up at work. Your employees will love you for adding the tasty and satisfying snack to your break room line up. 

Something to Look Forward to Snacking on – Salted Caramel Candy

Give employees a sweet treat that pairs well with your San Antonio traditional office coffee service. Salted caramel candy is the perfect snack to go with an afternoon cup of joe. Employees can munch of it or add it into the liquid for a sweet touch of flavor. However they consume it, salted caramel candy is the perfect sweet and salty snack. 


Looking for more ways to improve your San Antonio break room services and company culture? We can help! Contact us at L.C. Vending Co. or call (210) 532.3151 to get started today!

San Antonio Office Coffee Services | Workplace Culture | Employee Benefit

Fall in Love with your San Antonio Office Coffee Services

Fall is finally here and that means it’s time to upgrade your office coffee services! With changing seasons comes cooler temperatures and shorter days. Therefore, you and your employees will need something warm to sip on at work! That’s why now is the perfect time to upgrade your San Antonio break room with a selection of gourmet coffee and tea products. Not only does this give everyone at the office something tasty to sip on, but it also has added workplace benefits. For instance, upgrading your office coffee program can create an interactive social workplace and improve employee satisfaction. 


So, are you ready to learn how a great coffee and tea service can help? We’re breaking down the key benefits of a San Antonio office coffee service below.


Office Coffee Services Make Break Time Convenient 

San Antonio Break Room Services | Brew Coffee | Office Tea Services

The best part about having the option to brew coffee from right in the office? Easy, it’s convenient. Employees will never have to leave the building to get the beverage they’re craving. As a result, they can maintain a steady workflow and save time that would normally be spent running to the nearest cafe. Plus, offering employees a free San Antonio coffee and tea service will save them money. And that is something that they’ll be extremely grateful for! 


Free Coffee = Happy Employees

Saving time and money is great, but the collective gratitude is sure to go beyond just that. There is nothing like relaxing with a nice cup of joe, even if it’s at your work desk! Workers will be happy to sip on a fresh cup of coffee at the start of their busy workday. This employee benefit will make them feel appreciated and show them how much you care. Additionally, this can translate to long-term benefits in the form of overall employee satisfaction and retention rates. Yep, that’s right. Your San Antonio vending services can play a factor in retaining AND recruiting new employees. So, it’s a win-win to upgrade with us today! 


Office Coffee Improves Workplace Culture

Perhaps the greatest asset of a San Antonio office coffee service is it can improve your workplace culture. Regular coffee and tea breaks naturally promote collaboration among co-workers from a variety of departments. Now more than ever, workers will be flooding to the break room for a hot drink to warm them up. Therefore, it can promote better workplace relationships, increase employee satisfaction, and strengthen the company’s overall environment.

Also, make sure to include the supplies they need to customize their cups. As a full-service provider, we can supply the cups, lids, creamers, sugars, and so much more. Everything you need right in one place –  sounds like an easy choice to us!


Fall In Love With Your Break Room Services With Quality Coffee And Tea

Looking for more ways to upgrade your San Antonio break room this fall? We have everything you need to fall in love with our coffee services. Contact us at L.C. Vending Co. or call us at xxx-xxx-xxxx to get started today!